This powerful novena has proven especially effective in obtaining favors through the intercession of St. Joseph. The novena was devised by the celebrated Fr. Louis Lallemant, S.J. (1588-1635) of France, a saintly priest and master of spiritual life, to whom St. Joseph never denied any request. Urging two young priests to make this novena, he promised their every request would be fulfilled through St. Joseph s intercession in return for their display of special honor and devotion.
One priest, who requested grace to speak and write worthily of the Lord, returned after reflection saying he wished to request a different grace. Fr. Lallemant replied: It is too late now to ask for another grace. The first has already been granted. In deed, the priest became one of the most noted preachers and writers of his day, through this novena to St. Joseph.
(Video added and text edited 3-18-11)
No specific prayers are necessary. Each day for 9 days, turn to St. Joseph in spirit honoring him 4 times throughout the day. During each visit, consider one of the following aspects of St. Joseph, remembering to thank God for honoring St. Joseph and, through his intercession, request a similar grace:
- 1st Visit: St. Joseph's Fidelity to Grace; the Holy Ghost's action in his soul.
- 2nd Visit: St. Joseph's Fidelity to the Interior Life; his Spirit of Recollection.
- 3rd Visit: St. Joseph's Love for Our Lady.
- 4th Visit: St. Joseph's Love for the Divine Child.
How to Make this Novena
(These “visits” may be made anywhere – at home, at work, on the street, in the car or bus – and at any time.)
During the first visit, consider St. Joseph’s fidelity to grace. Reflect upon the action of the Holy Ghost in his soul. At the conclusion of this brief meditation, thank God for so honoring St. Joseph, and ask, through his intercession, for a similar grace.
Later in the day, consider St. Joseph’s fidelity to the interior life. Study his spirit of recollection. Think, thank God, and ask.
Later still, consider St. Joseph’s love for Our Lady. Think, thank God, and ask.
Finally, in a fourth visit, reflect upon St. Joseph’s love for the Divine Child. Think, thank God, and ask.
Prayer Which May Be Said at the Conclusion of the Visits
(These prayers are adapted from Reflections for a Novena to St. Joseph, by Sister Emily Joseph, C.S.J.)
O My God, I thank Thee and bless Thee for St. Joseph’s great faithfulness to grace. Grant that, through his loving intercession and the power of his example, I too may be faithful to grace. O St. Joseph, intercede for me, and obtain for me the favor I ask. (Name your request).
O My God, I thank Thee and bless Thee for St. Joseph’s great faithfulness to the interior life. Grant that, through his loving intercession and the power of his example, I too may be faithful to the interior life. O St. Joseph, intercede for me, and obtain for me the favor I ask. (Name your request).
O My God, I thank Thee and bless Thee for St. Joseph’s great love for Our Lady. Grant that, through his loving intercession and the power of his example, I too may truly love the Blessed Virgin Mary. O St. Joseph, intercede for me, and obtain for me the favor I ask. (Name your request).
O My God, I thank Thee and bless Thee for St. Joseph’s great love for the Divine Child. Grant that, through his loving intercession and the power of his example, I too may truly love the Child Jesus. O St. Joseph, intercede for me, and obtain for me the favor I ask. (Name your request). (Source)
I would very much like to pray this novena. However, I'm unclear on visits 1 & 2. Could you elaborate on what I should meditate on for visits 1 & 2? Thanks much!!!!
I found a new video and a more detailed version of the novena which I have posted on the original novena page. Hope it helps you.
My mum suffers from dementia. Last year out of desperation on May 1st, St joseph's feast, I turned to him and prayed this novena faithfully which I had come across in mum's prayer book. About a week later I was guided to help mum. She began to walk and talk much better, a vast improvement. A few weeks back I saw a slight decline in mum. Today I am making this novena again to dear St joseph whom I have taken as my foster father. He will intercede and God 's will be done. By the way I belong to the parish of St joseph. Mary
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